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The Cost of War
When it comes to U.S. military spending, you could argue that our country is reactionary, especially when we are attacked on our own soil. When we look back in history after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, there was a large increase in military spending. Post-Pearl Harbor military spending amounted to $4.1 trillion. Fast-forward to a…
Top 10 Majors Among Ranked Institutions
Curious to find out what the most popular majors are among the top ranked Higher Education institutions? As of 2013, according to the BLS Current Population Survey, the unemployment rate among young college graduates is 7.4%. Campaign On This has compiled data from the top 350 universities to show the ten most popular majors at…
The Truth of Unemployment
If you turn on the news and unemployment is the topic of discussion, you may hear how the unemployment rate is below 6%. Considering recent past rates, this is a low number. However, this measurement of the unemployment rate is misleading because it overlooks the suffering of the long-term unemployed, as well as those who are…
99% vs. 1% Who Is To Blame?
Since the start of Occupy Wall Street in September of 2011, many Americans have heard the media, family or friends state that: It is the 1% who is ruining this country! They are taking all of our money! They should pay more taxes – their fair share! The Occupy movement has stated that there is a…

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