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About Us

Campaign On This (COT), established in 2015, is a pioneering news blog with a core focus on politics, policy, and hard facts. Utilizing advanced data analytics and AI, particularly through the platform, we specialize in distilling vast amounts of political data into actionable insights. Our expertise lies in delivering in-depth analysis and comprehensive coverage of political events and policies from power centers across the globe.


At the heart of COT is the belief in the power of knowledge, driven by data. In an era where data is abundantly generated but not always effectively used, we see ourselves as a bridge between complex information and the public. Our objective is not just to store or collate this data but to make it understandable and accessible. We firmly believe that an informed public leads to stronger, more resilient communities and better decision-making at both individual and organizational levels.



Our mission is twofold: to educate those less informed about the intricacies of political processes and to influence decision-making through solid, data-supported facts. Standing firmly above public opinion, we are committed to delivering unbiased facts, thereby enabling our audience to stay well-informed. We strive to guide our readers to the truth, highlighting and correcting the fallacies often perpetuated by mainstream media. We encourage active participation and dialogue, ensuring that diverse voices are heard and considered.


COT is not just a workplace; it’s a hub of innovation, integrity, and relentless determination. We value passionate, collaborative, and respectful team members who are aligned with our mission of delivering groundbreaking journalism. Our culture is characterized by a unique blend of grit and innovation. We believe in experimenting and embracing disruption, not just to stay ahead in the industry but to be the best in what we do. Risk-taking is in our DNA, not for the sake of it, but as a means to continue being the leading voice in our field.

COT stands as a beacon of unbiased, data-driven journalism in the political sphere. Our commitment to truth, combined with our innovative approach and dynamic culture, positions us uniquely in the realm of political news and analysis, catering to an audience that values fact over opinion and depth over sensationalism.

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